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What is the reason for makeup rubbing mud? Makeup rubbing mud remedies

04-06-2020 Author 【Font:B M S

the reasons for the makeup rubbing mud are as follows; 1. apply too much skin care products, or skin care products contain thickeners or too many polymers; 2, apply the base makeup is too heavy; 3. the skin itself is too dry.


what is the reason for the makeup rubbing mud

1, makeup rubbing mud is likely to be because the previous skin care steps applied too much skin care products, when the number of skin care layers on the face is too much and the skin care products contain too many polymers and thickeners, it is easy to rub mud on the face. under this premise, it is easy to rub mud on the face by applying makeup on the face.

2, makeup rubbing mud may also be because of the problem of cosmetics themselves. the application of the base makeup is too heavy and not easy to fit, and it is easy to rub mud during the subsequent makeup process.

what is the reason for the makeup rubbing mud

3, makeup rubbing mud may also be because of the skin itself. if the original skin type is dry skin, it is usually easy to dry up, and it is easy to peel because the skin type is too dry when applying makeup.


apply makeup to the mud remedy

1. if the makeup is rubbed because the makeup is applied to the inappropriate skin care products before makeup, we should switch to skin care products that are more suitable for our skin type. do not use skin care products that contain too many polymers and thickeners, and should try to choose skin care products with a refreshing texture, while not applying too many layers.

2, if the makeup and mud is because of the cosmetics themselves, you should replace the cosmetics. choose makeup that is more durable and breathable.

3. if the makeup is rubbed because of the skin itself, such as dry skin. we must do a good job of hydrating and moisturizing the skin, and we should first do the moisturizing and moisturizing work of the skin before each makeup, and then apply makeup. when applying makeup, you should also choose skin care products with good moisturizing properties.

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