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What do the seven continents and four oceans refer to? The proportion of the seven continents and fo

04-06-2020 Author 【Font:B M S

the seven continents are asia, africa, europe, north america, south america, oceania and antarctica; the four oceans refer to the pacific ocean, the atlantic ocean, the indian ocean and the arctic ocean. the largest continent is asia, which accounts for about 29.4% of the world's total land area, and the largest ocean is the pacific ocean, which accounts for about 49.8% of the ocean area.

what do the seven continents and four oceans refer to

what do the four oceans of the seven continents refer to

the total area of the earth's surface is about 510 million square kilometers, of which the land area is 149 million square kilometers and the ocean area is 361 million square kilometers. its land is divided into seven major plates, namely seven continents, namely asia (full name asia), europe (full name europa), north america (full name north asia america), south america (full name south asia america), africa (full name afrika), oceania and antarctica.

what do the seven continents and four oceans refer to

the ocean is divided into four oceans, namely the pacific ocean, the atlantic ocean, the indian ocean, and the arctic ocean. the marine area is 361 million square kilometers, the pacific ocean accounts for 49.8%, the atlantic ocean 26%, the indian ocean 20%, and the arctic ocean 4.2%.

the distribution of land and sea on earth is very uneven, the land is mainly concentrated in the northern hemisphere, but the arctic is surrounded by an ocean, while the ocean is mainly concentrated in the southern hemisphere, but around the antarctic is land.

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